▼Nfur | Common types used in all the project |
▼Nbencode | Contains the structure for decoding and encoding bencode data |
CBencodeDict | |
CBencodeInt | |
CBencodeList | |
CBencodeParser | |
CBencodeString | |
CBencodeValue | |
▼Ndownload | |
▼Nbitfield | |
CBitfield | |
▼Ndownloader | |
CDownloader | |
▼Nmessage | |
CBitfieldMessage | |
CChokeMessage | |
CHaveMessage | |
CInterestedMessage | |
CKeepAliveMessage | |
CMessage | |
CNotInterestedMessage | |
CPieceMessage | |
CRequestMessage | |
CUnchokeMessage | |
▼Nsocket | |
CAsioEngine | |
CSocket | |
CDownloaded | A downloaded piece for a torrent file |
▼Ngui | |
CGuiScrollTorrentState | |
CGuiTorrentDialogState | |
CWindow | Responsible for rendering the UI |
▼Nmt | |
CRunner | Used to control threads execution |
CSharedQueue | |
CThreadGroup | Manages the execution of a group of threads |
▼Npeer | |
CAnnounce | The response sent from the tracker when announcing |
CPeer | Represents a single peer as given by the tracker |
▼Nplatform | |
▼Npolicy | |
CFIFOPolicy | Simple FIFO policy |
CIPolicy | |
CLIFOPolicy | Simple LIFO policy |
CQueue | Special queue that allows the extraction of item using custom policies |
▼Nutil | |
CEmpty | |
CResult | Used to handle errors without using exceptions |
CSingleton | |
CFile | Describes a file inside a torrent |
CFurrent | |
CPiece | |
CPieceTask | Class responsible for processing a piece |
CPieceTaskStats | |
CSubpiece | Describes a subsection of a Piece, it is mapped to a single file |
CTorrent | Completely describes a torrent in furrent |
CTorrentFile | Represents a parsed .torrent file |
CTorrentGuiData |